
“I delight in your Commandments, for I love them dearly.” (Psalms – 119: 47) D. H. Lawrence says: “Sin is not the breaking of divine commandments. It is the breaking of one’s own integrity.”

Presenting this booklet- LITTLE FLOWER SEMINARY GUIDELINES - to you, dear Brothers, I am indeed happy to note that this will help you to become more committed and integrated persons and climb the ladder of achievements in the formation stages. “We may be born into rich families, we may have excellent qualifications, we may occupy positions of importance, but until and unless we are people of integrity, these things could count little. Many people today are spending their precious time and energy in building up false images of integrity.”(From INSPIRATIONAL STORIES FOR PURPOSEFUL LIVING)

We need that loving firmness and direction in life through discipline. Discipline can prevent the erosion of energy. It can harness and channel our energy for great performance and excellence. Discipline is also something we do for those we care about. Living according to these Guidelines can make us disciplined, kind, and committed after the model of Jesus. “....You are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.” ( Luke 10: 41-42)

I earnestly request you to follow these Guidelines and participate in the Programmes of Formation. Let us make a concerted effort to make our Formation period useful and meaningful.