Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission


Vision lfs

The Institute envisages the integral formation of the Seminarians to become the models of Christ who is teacher, priest and pastor (OT 4). The philosophical training is meant to help the students acquire, through various academic engagements and disciplinary activities, the ability to reflect over matters of immediate human concern with certitude and also to help them move towards the goal of attaining a discursive and intuitive apperception of Reality in its coherent dimensions of Man, Nature, the Universe and the Ultimate.

As such the entire programme of philosophy of this institute is oriented towards the intellectual, spiritual and experiential realization of this holistic vision of Reality. Transcending a deceptively contradictory world and worldview is necessarily accompanied by a substantively unitary awareness of the eternal truth, which is essentially Harmony. The course of philosophy, extending over a period of three years and envisaged to be an intensive, collective as well as personal search for knowledge, bears its fruits if the partakers of this common journey genuinely commit themselves to the enhanced goodness of every human being and the increased welfare of every creature, every plant, every ray of light and every particle of soil in this cosmos and feel the ecstatic joy over the same.

The period of Major Seminary Formation is a period of the personal integration and consolidation of all the various dimensions and aspects of Formation that go into the making of a CST priest. The qualities indispensable for our major seminarians are: a higher degree of human development in its affective and other aspects, ability to enter into genuine friendship, a positive attitude to the interior solitude, active and critical involvement in the issues and problems of one’s context and a constructive and prophetic response to them, deepening the social and religious charisma of the congregation.

Little Flower Major Seminary is also the common House of Formation for the Major Seminarians of the Little Flower Congregation. Normally, all our Major Seminarians do their philosophical studies in this Institute. This is to enhance the spirit of unity and mutual acquaintance and friendship among the members of the Congregation by means of living together, sharing and interaction. Thus, this seminary stands out as an icon of unity and center of integration and co-ordination of the members of our congregation belonging to all the Provinces.