Introductory Notes

The intellectual formation of the students is one of the primary concerns of the Institute. It aims at the formation of an integrated vision of life. The academic curriculum is designed in such a way that it draws from the rich resources of the Western and Eastern thought. The study programme of the Institute comprises a three-year basic course in Philosophy and BA Course. The first cycle ends with the degree of Baccalaureate (VG 83).

Regulations of the Institute


1.    For admission to the Institute as a student one must be presented:

  • By the Rector of the Seminary, if he resides in the Seminary
  • By one’s proper Superior/Guardian if the applicant is a religious/ seminarian residing outside.
  • By testimonial letter from an ecclesiastical authority acceptable to the Institute in the case of other applicants.

2.     Minimum requirements for admission to the first year of studies are:

  • The minimum academic qualification of the applicant is a pass in the Higher Secondary Course / Degree Course
  • The completion of one year of special training in English and Latin/Syriac and other subjects according to a Syllabus approved by the Institute.

3.     Promotion to a new academic year: Degree course students will not be allowed to begin a new academic year if they are still to improve in two or more main subjects of the previous year.

Entrance Exam

The first semester of the first year is devoted to intensive coaching in English language. At the beginning of the new Academic Year a mandatory English Entrance Examination is conducted. One has to secure 60% of marks to pass in the entrance examination. Those who28 Handbook & Calendar 2021-22 fail to secure the required marks will have to attend a basic course in English and those who secure the required marks will have to attend an advanced course in English. At the end of the first semester a fresh examination is conducted and those who fail to secure the required marks even in the second attempt will have to appear for the Entrance Examination in the following year.